Sunday, May 9, 2010

I can't really think of a title.

I don't know what's going on with my life. That scares me and it should. Although, I am finding it harder and harder to deal with the pressure of school, friends, and family. I'm becoming unmotivated and unhappy at school. My mom and I are fighting more. This is not my life. I feel like I am a different person around certain people, and it's not by choice. I feel forced to portray a certain being just so everyone I am around can be happy. But, what about me? I'm not happy.

It used to be that if I could make another person happy or feel better in life, then my mission was accomplished for the day. Nothing else mattered. I still am that person. That is my nature. I love everyone and I feel it is my job or destiny to please people. Lately, I've realized that being a constant people pleaser is a lonely job. If you try to be the perfect person for each and every person, you become different people and lose yourself. You forget who you are and what you really think. Trust me; I've been a people pleaser for the past 17 years. Because of that, I feel like no one truly knows me as me. At that point, one tends to fall into a depression.

Depression seems to run in my family. My Auntie G is always battling it and takes medicine to keep it behind her as she goes on in her day to day life. She is such a hard worker. She's at work until about 10 pm and doesn't usually come home until the early morning. She takes care of her mom, her son, and his daughter, Briana. I love Bri. She is my favourite cousin and we always have fun together. She has it harder than most kids as every since the day she was born she's had medical problems. The doctors predicted that she would never be able to walk and die around 6 or 7. She's now 14 and starting high school. It hasn't been an easy road, but nothing can bring her down. At first she couldn't walk and had to have surgery on her legs. She had to be fed through a tube in her navel. Even through all the hardships, Bri has been so motivated and happy. Sometimes I wish I could be half as brave as she is. She goes to physical therapy every week and is starting to run. It's amazing because she is still the stubborn, video-game loving, Hannah Montana worshipping girl I have always loved. She's never changed; not for any one. She is determined to live her life each day as Briana.

Briana has always inspired me to be who I am no matter what is occurring in my life - good or bad. It is not my job to lie about who I really am and I hope that everyone realizes that. No one should have to go through the pain of not knowing who they truly are. It is torture. I know that when I go back and read this in a few years, I'll probably cry. Realizing this will always affect me. I'm sure it will change me for the better. Well, I hope so anyway.

1 comment:

CibrienBrody said...

I wrote this 11 minutes ago and I just reread it. Crying already. Haha