Wednesday, September 9, 2009

Is it wrong to stand up for what you believe in?

SO... first post. I had this whole idea for my first entry; I would tell you everything that went on in my life today and not skip even one little detail but that would've bored me to tears. So, for now, I'll start out with my first random question (or rather, questions):
Is it wrong to stand up for what you believe in?
What if your beliefs differ from those around you and your decisions hurt them?
Is it your fault or do they just have to live with it?
Personally, I say "to each his/her own." Your beliefs are just that- Yours! And anyone who begs to differ needs to discover the word compromise! Whether its gay rights, religious beliefs, or a debate between who's hotter- Zac Efron or Robert Pattinson (hmm... hard choice) it's all up to you! No, I'm not saying you should completely ignore everyone's thoughts. I'm saying that their beliefs are as important as your own and you should respect them. So, even if you're talking to someone you are completely incompatible with and you find that you disagree with them 100% - that's okay. That's just human nature. We're not supposed to agree with each other each and every day. That's why we have debates. I see little 6-year-olds arguing over which Hannah Montana song is better. But you know what else I notice? Those six-year-olds who probably can't even spell the word compromise will still be friends at the end of the day even though they disagree with each other.
Why can't we all be like that?

1 comment:

Ciaran said...

Great start Cibrien. Keep it up. I like the name of your blog. Very clever!