Sunday, September 13, 2009

Old Soul

Weird Thought for Today:
For some (weird) reason, I feel like I should be older than my mind tells me that I am. In my heart, nay, my soul – I feel differently than I do on the outside. Sometimes my subconscious mind informs me that I'm an 80-year-old woman in the body of a sixteen year old girl.

OK, so maybe not 80 (I don't want to wish my life away)
but just older than a teenager. Deep down in the artistic, free-flowing vicinity that is my soul I know that age is but a number to calculate the thing-we-call-time that I have spent on this earth. But some part of me believes (and I know this sounds crazy, but I did warn you in the description of this blog to be prepared) that my soul has been alive separate from this body for a period of time much longer than sixteen years. Whether it (or I if you will) was floating around in heaven or buzzing around the galaxy for millions of years until God decided to put it in the body of a newborn baby girl, I believe that my true age is infinite. You're floating around in heaven, you're placed into the womb of an angel on earth, and after living a lifetime however long or short, you pass away. But, I believe that after your human life span is up, you do not die. My reasoning is this:

Nothing real ever dies.

Now, believe me, I know what it's like to lose a family member and think that they're gone forever and that that hurt in your heart will never go away, but really that's not true. You still have the memory of their smile, the sound of their laughter, and the joy from your time spent together. That is what's real – that can never die.
The reason I say that I must be older than sixteen is, since no one ever dies, we all (our souls) must be somewhere – maybe heaven. And, after some time, we may be placed into another body. Then, the continuous cycle of life begins again. Now, keep in mind, I'm not saying that everyone should believe this and this is the only truth behind the meaning of life, I, myself, find it hard to believe; maybe even impossible. But there are those moments in my life, those unfathomably beautiful days where I think, "This moment will never leave me. It's real. Nothing real ever dies."

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